Available Australia-wide.
Build community connections from the safety of home with Telechat, a phone-based social service. Telechat can help you meet new people and stay connected to the wider world through regular phone calls with an Australian Red Cross volunteer.
Like our in-person Visiting service, when you sign up for Telechat, we’ll match you with a volunteer who shares your interests, background, values or culture. You tell us what matters to you, and we’ll do our best to find a volunteer who fits the bill.
Your volunteer will call you every week or fortnight (you can choose!) for a chat. What you talk about during your Telechat calls is up to you and your matched volunteer.
It could be:
Please note that Telechat is not a check-in service for people with health and safety needs. Visit our Telecross page for more information about our check-in phone service.
Telechat is for older people looking to build new connections via regular social phone calls. It’s ideal if you:
To access Telechat, you’ll need to be registered for My Aged Care.
Telechat is a reach-in service, rather than a reach-out service — care and support flow from our volunteers to you. Connection matters, no matter what form it takes, and building new relationships can bring joy and meaning to your life.
What’s more, Telechat relationships benefit our volunteers by giving them an opportunity to engage more fully with their local community.
Telechat operates across Australia.