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Table of Cash Movements for Designated Purposes

The Table of Cash Movements is a special requirement of the ACFID Code of Conduct, to help ensure accountability for income for specific International Aid and Development projects. The statement records the movements of the main appeals, grants and contracted amounts relating to International Aid and Development work during the year. Australian Red Cross declares that it has included any amount accounting for 10% or more of International Aid and Development income.

For the financial year ended 30 June 2012 Cash available at beginning of year Cash raised during year Cash disbursed during year Cash available at end of year
$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000
Designated Purpose
Australian Volunteers for International Development (AusAID) - 5,298 (2,977) 2,321
Partnership Agreement (AusAID) - 7,016 (5,662) 1,354
East Africa Drought Appeal 2011 - 3,050 (2,011) 1,039
Asia Quake and Tsunami Appeal 2004 830 2,568 (2,494) 904
Haiti Earthquake Appeal 2010 256 21 (277) -
Pacific Tsunami (Samoa & Tonga) Appeal 2009 2,353 46 (242) 2,157
Japan and Pacific Disaster Appeal 2011 9,568 2,321 (11,823) 66
Pakistan Monsoon Floods Appeal 2010 5,136 51 (3,915) 1,272
NZ Earthquake Appeal 2011 1,440 53 (1,360) 133
Total for other purposes 199,682 1,030,388 (1,013,976) 216,094
TOTAL 219,265 1,050,812 (1,044,737) 225,340

Audit Report

The financial accounts of Australian Red Cross are audited by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. The following audit report is provided in accordance with ACFID Code of Conduct and asserts that the summarised financial statements are consistent with the full Financial report. Copies of the full Financial report can be obtained at