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Four years at a glance: A review

  • Although Community Support for disasters fluctuates depending on need, Community Support for everyday work has been steadily growing year on year. This makes a critical contribution to the organisation’s work and Red Cross is investing to help ensure growth of this fundamental source of funds.

  • Red Cross is continually working to contain fundraising costs, having restructured the fundraising team in 2009, increased low cost alternatives and improved technologies to deliver efficiencies. Cost of fundraising expenditure expressed as a percentage of Community Support is 26%.

  • Government Grants increased in 2011 and again in 2012. This is predominantly due to grants to address the impact of migration, in response to changes in government policies concerning Community Detention and the provision of bridging visas to asylum seekers. This is offset with a comparable increase in expenditure over the same period, as per the terms of the grant agreements.

  • In 2012 investment was approved by the Board to grow future income through fundraising and Red Cross College and provide greater stability in funding. This was a further commitment by the Board to help diversify Red Cross’ income base and build on reforms in both areas from previous years.

  • Following a review of the organisation’s processes and capturing of business needs in 2011, Red Cross has been determining the level of IT infrastructure needed to support its increasing service delivery. During the year Red Cross was successful in winning support from Microsoft to the market value of $10 million, including desktop software, file sharing technology and a Customer Relationship Management system, providing an excellent foundation for upgrading legacy IT systems.

  • In 2008, a new way of working that defined services according to seven priority areas was adopted. This year, Red Cross reported on a three year review of the progress made. This confirmed that significant quality improvements had been achieved and provided support for further program investment.

  • Two properties were sold this year allowing Red Cross to reduce debt and to move into purpose built premises in Sydney that would support Red Cross’ commercial interests and house all Sydney CBD based staff in one city location, supporting greater collaboration.

  2012 2011 2010 2009
  $,000 $,000 $,000 $,000
Financial Results
Blood Service 1 578,461 567,471 574,207 456,491
Government Grants 2 217,663 115,086 80,072 91,983
Community Support - for everyday work 56,729 53,677 47,628 38,829
Community Support - for emergency appeals 4,102 55,586 21,173 376,096
Commercial Operations 34,336 34,766 36,664 37,187
Government Grants for Commercial Operations 17,074 14,094 8,833 6,627
Other income 5 46,567 24,913 28,896 20,298
Total income 954,932 865,593 797,473 1,027,511
Blood Service 539,317 465,798 474,248 418,658
Domestic programs 223,754 121,981 93,837 111,218
International programs 28,620 17,716 17,116 19,110
Emergency Appeals 3 31,439 53,149 32,989 404,546
Commercial Operations 4 47,753 49,988 43,404 27,725
Fundraising Costs6 15,965 14,880 12,600 16,563
Marketing 5,981 6,356 6,170 5,066
Administration 22,694 19,482 23,822 32,059
Total expenditure 915,523 749,350 704,186 1,034,945
Surplus/ (Deficit) 39,409 116,243 93,287 (7,434)

1 To understand the activities and financial affairs of the Blood Service, the annual report and full financial statements can be obtained at

2 Government grants exclude Blood Service and Commercial Operations - shown separately

3 Emergency appeals include domestic and international appeals

4 Commercial operations include Red Cross College, Red Cross Products and Retail

5 Other Income includes investment income, net gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment, non government grants, rental revenue, ticket sales and membership income.

6 Fundraising costs include all costs for raising revenue and in-kind support from public, government and non-government grants.

ACFID Compliance

Australian Red Cross is a signatory to the Australian Council For International Development (ACFID) Code of Conduct and is thereby required to publish the financial statements on pages 56 - 59 of this Annual Report, according to their prescribed format and standards. Commentary is provided to assist readers in understanding their content. For further information on the Code’s requirements, please refer to the ACFID Code of Conduct Implementation Guidance available at