The Society of Women Leaders and its operations are governed through a structure of volunteer sub-committees let by the SWL Executive Team and the National Advisory Sub-committee. This structure has been ratified by SWL members and Australian Red Cross, and ensures the SWL model is low cost to administer and allows us to focus on the business we do best: building a truly successful circle of giving.
The SWL Charter can be found here.
We have a number of official sub-committees in place. Members of these subcommittees are outlined below.
If you would like to know more about the Governance of SWL or if you would like to apply for a role on an SWL sub-committee, please contact Society of Women Leaders National Chair, Rowena McGilvray.
Diana Cregan
Barbara Fletcher (Secretary)
David Macdermott (Australian Red Cross)
Rowena McGilvray (Chair)
Sally Carr (Australian Red Cross)
Diana Cregan
Barbara Fletcher (Secretary)
Rowena McGilvray (Chair)
Kate O’Callaghan (Governance)
Selena Spring (Operations)
Kerry Blake
Diana Cregan
David Macdermott (Australian Red Cross)
Rowena McGilvray
Anita Pahor
Selena Spring (Operations)
Nelli Zinder
Diana Cregan
Kate Ericson
Rowena McGilvray (Administrator)
Rylan Turner (Australian Red Cross)
Susan Wynne
Hayley Baillie
Kerry-Anne Johnston
Rowena McGilvray (Chair)
Selena Spring
Rowena McGilvray
Belinda Singh
Linda Volker
Rowena McGilvray
Anne Pike
Selena Spring (Chair)
Cheryl De Luca
Justine McIllree
Diana Cregan (Chair)
Kate Ericson