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Australian Red Cross Board members

(L to R) John MacLennan, Ross Pinney, Sam Wong, Jan West, Tanya Hosch, Dr David Hamill, Michael Legge, Robert Tickner (CEO), John D Dorrian, Chris Kwong, Dianne Buckles, Deven Patel, Lyndal Herbert, John Pinney, Margaret Piper, Sue Vardon and John Hood. Photo: Australian Red Cross/Jerry Galea

Michael Legge, President

Appointed December 2011
Michael joined Red Cross in 1986 as a young and enthusiastic volunteer ambulance driver with the St Marys Red Cross branch in Tasmania. Since then, Michael’s involvement with Red Cross has taken him as far afield as the Pacific, Pakistan and Mongolia. Michael joined the Australian Red Cross Board in 1999 and became Vice Chairman in 2003. He also served on the Australian Red Cross Blood Service Board from 2001 to 2011, becoming Deputy Chair in 2007, and was also appointed Chair of the Board’s International Committee in April 2008. He also chairs the Nominations and Remuneration Committee and the International Humanitarian Law Chairs Advisory Committee, and is a member of the Centenary and Membership Engagement Committee, the Governance Committee and the 2013 General Assembly and Council of Delegates Committee.

Ross Pinney, Deputy President

Appointed December 2011
Serving as a Red Cross Divisional Board member from 2005 to 2007, Ross was elected as Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee in 2007. He was elected as a member of the International Federation of Red Cross Finance Commission in 2007 and elected as the Deputy President of Australian Red Cross in December 2011. He worked for 15 years as a senior manager at National Australia Bank, as Executive General Manager in the Office of the CEO, CEO Europe, and Executive General Manager, Products and Services. In addition to chairing the Information Technology Committee and Finance Committee, he is a member of the Governance Committee; the National Awards Committee; the Nominations and Remuneration Committee; and the Services, Members and Volunteers Activities Committee.

Jan West AM, Chair, Audit and Risk Committee

Appointed April 2012
Jan has more than 35 years’ finance experience with Australian and international listed and private companies, government agencies and community organisations. Jan was an audit partner of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu and retired from the practice in December 2011. As a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and of CPA Australia, Jan is also a Graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD). In recognition of her services to the accountancy profession and to the community, Jan was awarded a Centenary Medal in 2001 and appointed a Member of the Order of Australia in 2007. Jan is a member of the Governance Committee and a member of the Australian Red Cross Blood Service Finance and Audit Committee. She is a member of the Financial Reporting Council and a non-executive director of Neurosciences Victoria and Retail Responsible Entity Ltd.

Chris Kwong, Youth Member

Appointed October 2011
First volunteering with Australian Red Cross in 2008, Chris has since served as a member of the International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Committee of South Australia, the South Australian Youth Advisory Committee and the South Australian Divisional Advisory Board. He founded the South Australian IHL Collective and is currently a solicitor practising in civil litigation. In addition to chairing the Governance Committee and the National Youth Advisory Committee, he is also a member of the Services, Members and Volunteers Activities Committee; the 2013 General Assembly and Council of Delegates Committee; and the International Humanitarian Law Chairs Advisory Committee.

Dr David Hamill AM, Chair, Australian Red Cross Blood Service

Appointed November 2007
The Honourable Dr David Hamill served on the Queensland Divisional Advisory Board of the Australian Red Cross Society from 2003 to 2007. David has been a member of the Australian Red Cross Blood Service Board since 2004. He served in the Queensland Parliament as the Member for Ipswich from 1983 to 2001, and was a Minister in the Goss and Beattie governments. He received a Centenary Medal in 2001 and became a Member of the Order of Australia in June 2009. David is also a member of Australian Red Cross’ Nominations and Remuneration Committee.

Dianne Buckles, Chair, WA Divisional Advisory Board

Appointed October 2013
Di has been a member of the WA Divisional Advisory Board since 2006. She originally joined Red Cross in 1999 as a member and passionate volunteer, and continues to volunteer in various areas including emergency services and migration support. She is AIIMS trained and has completed several Australian Emergency Management Institute courses, is a volunteer trainer, a REDiPlan facilitator/presenter, a team convenor and represents Red Cross on the City of Stirling Local Emergency Management Committee. Di is currently the Chair of the WA Centenary Sub Committee, Awards Committee and the fundraising ‘Flower Committee’ Unit; Co-Chair of the WA Volunteer Reference Group; and a member of the Board’s Services, Members and Volunteers Activities and National Emergency Services Advisory Committees, as well as WA’s International Humanitarian Law Committee. Now retired, Di worked in the corporate information technology sector for many years, and then in computer software consulting.

John D Dorrian, Additional Board Member

Appointed August 2012
John Dorrian has been a member of the Australian Red Cross Board since August 2012. For more than 27 years, John has had extensive experience as a non-executive director of a number of significant listed and unlisted public and private companies, including the ASX-listed Spark Infrastructure Group; electricity distribution businesses Powercor Australia Holdings and CitiPower Australia in Victoria, and ETSA Utilities in South Australia; Melbourne Airport and Deutsche Asset Management (Australia) Limited. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and a Member of Australian Institute of Company Directors (MAICD). John is a member of the Finance, Audit and Risk and Due Diligence Committees and Chairman of the Investment Sub-Committee.

Lyndal Herbert, Chair, TAS Divisional Advisory Board

Appointed December 2012
Lyndal originally joined Red Cross as the Treasurer of the Tasmanian Divisional Board in 2003, before being elected Deputy Chair in November 2006. Lyndal has been a member of the National Asset and Investment Strategy Committee from 2008 until 2013, served on the National Awards Committee from 2009 until 2012, and is a current member of the Finance Committee. As a Chartered Accountant, Lyndal commenced her career in Melbourne with Arthur Andersen & Co, and moved to Hobart where she has worked with KPMG since 2001 and is currently a Director in KPMG’s tax practice.

John Hood, Chair, VIC Divisional Advisory Board

Appointed November 2007
After joining the Board of Red Cross Victoria in 1995, John was elected Deputy Chairman in 2006, became Chairman in 2007 and became a member of the National Board at this time. After having spent most of his working career as a management consultant, John is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, a Fellow of the Institute of Management Consultants and a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers. John chairs the International Committee, and is a member of the Audit and Risk Committee, the National Emergency Services Advisory Committee and the Nominations and Remuneration Committee.

Tanya Hosch, Additional Board Member

Appointed August 2012
Tanya holds a number of board directorships and committee positions, including with the Australian Indigenous Governance Institute and Bangarra Dance Theatre. She has recently been appointed the Independent Chair of the new company Pricewaterhouse Coopers Indigenous Consulting. Instrumental in designing the consultative processes and model of the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples, Tanya provides advice to a range of organisations specialising in program design and Indigenous engagement. She is Joint Campaign Director for Recognise, the movement to raise awareness and support for constitutional change to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Australian Constitution.

John MacLennan, Chair, NSW Divisional Advisory Board

Appointed August 2009
John joined the NSW Divisional Advisory Board in July 1998, was elected as a member of the National Council and became the Deputy Chairman in NSW in 2007. He has been Chair of the NSW Divisional Advisory Board since 2009. He practiced as a solicitor from 1977 to 2012, and is currently Chair of the Migration Programs Advisory Committee. John is also a member of the Governance Committee; the International Committee; the 2013 General Assembly and Council of Delegates Committee; and the Services, Members and Volunteers Activities Committee.

Deven Patel, Chair, NT Divisional Advisory Board

Appointed November 2007
Deven’s involvement with Red Cross dates back to 1978, when he was a junior auditor with KPMG conducting the audit of the NT Division. Deven volunteered as a driver during doorknock appeals and attended Red Cross auctions and fundraising events. He joined the NT Division in 1992. Deven was elected as Honorary Treasurer in 1994, a position he held until 2006 when he became Deputy Chair, prior to his appointment to Chair in 2007. Deven is also a member of the Audit and Risk Committee and the Migration Programs Advisory Committee.

John Pinney AM, Chair, QLD Divisional Advisory Board

Appointed October 2012
John first began his association with Australian Red Cross volunteering for the Alice Springs Branch in 1981. Since then, he has held a number of senior leadership positions, including Chair of the Northern Territory Divisional Advisory Board and Vice-Chairman for the National Board. He joined the Queensland Divisional Advisory Board in 2007 and was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia for his work in the Red Cross Movement. John is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and the Australian Property Institute. He is a member of the National Asset and Investment Strategy Committee and the Migration Programs Advisory Committee.

Margaret Piper AM, Additional Board Member

Appointed August 2012
Margaret is a consultant with over 25 years’ experience in the refugee sector, including as Executive Director of the Refugee Council of Australia (1991 – 2005) and as a board member of a number of agencies working with refugees and asylum seekers. She currently works as a consultant, primarily in the areas of policy, research and capacity building. Margaret served over many years as the non-government adviser to the Australian Government delegation to the annual meeting of the Executive Committee of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Geneva and has undertaken field work in many parts of the world. In recognition of her service to the community through leadership and advocacy roles assisting refugees and asylum seekers, Margaret was appointed Member of the Order of Australia in 2011. Margaret’s involvement with Red Cross also extends to her membership of the Migration Programs Advisory Committee and Audit and Risk Committee.

Sue Vardon AO, Chair, SA Divisional Advisory Board

Appointed December 2011
Before being appointed Chair in 2011, Sue was on the South Australian Divisional Advisory Board from April 2009 as an Additional Board Member. Sue has had a distinguished career in public and community service as a Chief Executive for 23 years in Commonwealth and State Government agencies. Sue was awarded an honorary Doctorate from the University of South Australia. She is the Chair of Connecting Up – a major technology resource organisation for not-for-profit agencies. In addition to chairing the Centenary and Membership Engagement Committee, she is also a member of the Information Technology Committee; the National Emergency Services Advisory Committee and the Services Member and Volunteers Activities Committee.

Sam Wong AM, Chair, ACT Divisional Advisory Board

Appointed June 2013
Sam has been an Advisory Board Member of the ACT Divisional Advisory Board since 2008 and was elected Deputy Chair in 2012 and Chair in 2013. For more than three decades he has been involved with Australian Red Cross, Lions Clubs International and many multicultural organisations. In 1999, he was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for service to the community and to multiculturalism in the ACT region. In early 2012, the Prime Minister announced that Sam would be appointed as a People of Australia Ambassador (representing the Australian Capital Territory), for the promotion of Australian multiculturalism.

Jeni McDonough, Secretary

Appointed December 2009
While not a member of the Board, Jeni attends Board meetings. She commenced working with Red Cross in September 2004 as Assistant to the Board and was appointed Secretary in December 2009. Jeni has more than 35 years’ experience in administration, the majority of which have been at a senior level. She holds a Certificate of Governance Practice and Administration and is a Certificated Member of the Governance Institute of Australia (GIA (Cert)).

* Ian Anson was the only Board Member who resigned in 2013/2014, having served on the Board from November 2004 until September 2013.