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Income Statement

The Income Statement discloses the revenue and expenses during the financial year ending 30 June 2013. The Income Statement and Table of Cash Movements for Designated Purposes provided overleaf represent a true reflection of the financial accounts for this year.

Australian Red Cross receives significant contributions by way of gifts in-kind and pro bono support from corporate partners and volunteers but does not currently recognise these in the financial statements.

2013 2013 2012 2012
$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000
Donations and gifts 1 79,046 79,046 48,522 48,522
Legacies and bequests 16,720 16,720 12,309 12,309
• AusAID 23,907 23,907 23,897 23,897
• other Australian (including the Blood Service) 280,142 836,683 209,110 753,474
• other overseas 3,404 3,404 4,295 4,295
Investment income 6,955 15,134 5,063 14,706
Other income 39,029 48,896 74,158 97,729
Total revenue 449,203 1,023,790 377,354 954,932
International Aid and Development Programs expenditure
• funds to international programs 30,268 30,268 53,188 53,188
• program support costs 4,076 4,076 5,241 5,241
• community education 1,001 1,001 1,097 1,097
Domestic programs 329,028 877,393 224,287 756,678
Fundraising costs 2
• public, government, multilateral and private 15,864 15,864 15,965 15,965
Retail and Red Cross College expenditure 46,052 46,052 53,734 53,734
Accountability and Administration 3 21,814 21,814 22,694 29,620
Total expenditure 448,103 996,468 376,206 915,523
Excess of revenue over expenditure from continuing operations 1,100 27,322 1,148 39,409

1 During the financial year $603 thousand (2012: $1,201 thousand) was recorded as non-monetary donations and gifts. In addition to those goods which are capable of reliable measurment, the organisation has received donated goods for sale in its retail outlets as well as volunteer hours in providing community services. These goods and services are of a nature for which a fair value cannot be reasonably determined and have not been recorded in these financial statements.
2 Fundraising costs include both International and Domestic programs.
3 Accountability and Administration costs include both International and Domestic programs. From the 2013 financial year onwards, marketing expenses are also included.

During the financial year there were no transactions (2012: nil) in the Political or Religious Adherence Promotion program category.

ACFID Compliance

Australian Red Cross is a signatory to the Australian Council for International Aid and Development (ACFID) Code of Conduct and is committed to full adherence to its requirements. The Code aims to improve international development outcomes and increase stakeholder trust by enhancing the transparency and accountability of signatory organisations.

The ACFID Code of Conduct offers a mechanism to address concerns relating to signatories’ conduct. Complaints against Australian Red Cross may be initiated by any member of the public and lodged with the ACFID Code of Conduct Committee at or for further information on the ACFID Code please see ACFID website

As a signatory, Australian Red Cross is required to publish the financial statements on the following pages, according to their prescribed format and standards. An explanation is provided ahead of each Statement to assist readers in understanding their purpose and content. For further information on the Code’s requirements, please refer to the ACFID Code of Conduct Implementation Guidance available at

The information provided in this section should be read in conjunction with the financial statements and accompanying notes on pages 5-43 of the full Financial Report. A printable copy of the full Financial Report is available at Alternatively, call the Supporter Services Centre on 1800 811 700 to request a printed copy.