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National Leadership Team

The National Leadership Team supports the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in setting the strategic direction for the organisation, effectively managing day-to-day operations, implementing decisions of the Board and senior management, and providing leadership to Red Cross people.

The National Leadership Team held five face-to- face meetings in this financial year, and met by teleconference in the months in between. The Chief Executive Officer, Robert Tickner; Chief Financial Officer, Sandy Chakravarty; Director of Services and international Operations, Michael Raper and National Director, Marketing, Fundraising and Communications, Jennifer Gibb attend Board meetings throughout the year.

Robert Tickner, Chief Executive Officer

Appointed January 2005

Robert is committed to ensuring that Australian Red Cross remains a leader in the not-for-profit sector in transparency and accountability. Prior to moving to Red Cross, Robert served as Federal Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander Affairs from 1990 – 1996 and is Australia’s longest serving Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander Affairs. His book Taking a Stand: Land Rights to Reconciliation was published in 2001. Robert was also CEO of Job Futures Ltd until 2005.

Sandy Chakravarty, Chief Financial Officer

Appointed October 2010

Sandy supports the humanitarian and commercial services of Red Cross Society and is also a Board member of the Blood Services division of Red Cross Society. She has gained extensive experience and delivered excellence in finance across the pharmaceutical, diversified industrials and consulting industries in Australia and the Asia-Pacific region. Sandy was Finance Director of Bristol-Myers Squibb (Australia and Asia) between 1997 – 2000 and 2002 – 2004, and Head of Asia-Pacific Finance and international Controller of The Boston Consulting Group from 2006 – 2010.

Michael Raper, Director of Services and International Operations

Appointed September 2008

Before joining Red Cross, Michael held a number of prominent positions, including: Director, Welfare Rights Centre (1990 – 2008); President, Australian Council of Social Service (1996 – 2003) and President, international Council on Social Welfare, South East Asia and Pacific (2003 – 2008). He was awarded the Australian Human Rights Medal by the Australian Human Rights Commission in 2002 and the Justice Medal by the Law and Justice Foundation in 2007. Michael leads the delivery of Red Cross programs both in Australia and internationally.

Jennifer Gibb, National Director, Marketing, Fundraising and Communications

Appointed May 2004

Jennifer has had a career in profit focused business development, direct marketing and corporate communications across Australia, USA, and UK. Before joining Red Cross, she was Director of Marketing, Financial Services, Asia Pacific and Director, Marketing and Communications, Australia for Accenture and Director, Business Development and Communications at Clayton Utz. Her background includes sourcing and establishing new start-up business initiatives for the Lend Lease Group, Barclays Bank (UK), American Express and AGC.

Toni Aslett, Executive Director, VIC

Appointed December 2009

Toni has worked with Red Cross since May 2007, previously in the role of Group Manager, Community Services. Prior to joining Red Cross, Toni was the Chief Executive Officer of Latrobe Community Health Service in Gippsland, the largest community health service organisation in Victoria. She has completed an international Executive Development course at Cornell University USA.

Dr Ian Burke, Executive Director, TAS

Appointed May 2005

Prior to joining Red Cross in 2005, ian’s roles included University Campus Director, academic teacher and researcher, Company Director and industrial Economist. ian holds Bachelor of Economics, Master of Business and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. He has published research in the areas of strategic marketing, strategic alliances and strategy formulation.

Sandra Cannon, Executive Director, NT*

Appointed June 2012

Sandra has significant experience in community services, in particular working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander programs and communities. Sandra held the position of Chief Executive, Victoria Daly Shire in the Northern Territory from 2008 – 2012. She received a national Local Government Award for innovation and Delivery of Aboriginal services in 2011 and was a Northern Territory finalist in the Telstra Business Woman of the Year 2009.

Noel Clement, Head of Australian Services

Appointed July 2002

Joining Red Cross in 2001 as National Manager of the Asylum Seeker Assistance Scheme program, Noel moved into a General Manager role in 2002. Noel has worked for the past 23 years in not-for- profit and community sector organisations in Australia in roles including community development worker, social worker, program co-ordinator and senior manager.

Warren Don, Director, Information Technology

Appointed September 2008

Specialising in the transformation and rationalisation of iT departments, Warren has broad international experience at Chief information Officer, Director and Consultant levels in information Technology, across numerous industry sectors including pharmaceuticals, agriculture, petrochemicals, plastics and iT consulting. He has considerable experience in strategic corporate planning and executive iT management roles, ranging from tier two consulting firms to global responsibilities in Fortune 500 organisations.

Leeanne Enoch, Acting Head, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Strategy*

Appointed October 2011

Leeanne is a Nunukul/Nughi woman of the Quandamooka nation. While Acting Head of Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander Strategy, Leeanne continued her role as the Queensland Manager of Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander Strategy and Engagement with Red Cross. Leeanne also sits on a number of Boards including the Queensland Council of Social Service and has worked with Red Cross since 2007.

David Ham, Director, Strategy, Planning and Research

Appointed June 2005

David works closely with Red Cross’ senior managers and staff to improve organisational performance. in 2008 David led the establishment of the Research and Social Policy team within Red Cross, with the aim of developing evidence-based practice and improving the quality and effectiveness of Red Cross services. Prior to joining Red Cross he was a senior manager with Job Futures.

Joan Hughes, Executive Director, ACT/SE NSW

Appointed April 2011

Also appointed as Red Cross’ Manager of Parliamentary and Government Relations, Joan has highly effective relationships with Parliamentarians across the political spectrum and has a strong understanding of the workings of Government. Joan was CEO of Carers Australia between 2007 and 2011 and prior to this, CEO of Carers NSW. Joan is also a Churchill Fellow.

Di Jay, Executive Director, NSW

Appointed January 2011

Di was formerly Red Cross Executive Director, ACT and Manager of Parliamentary and Government Relations. Prior to joining Red Cross in early 2009, Di was CEO of the Planning institute of Australia. She has presented before Parliamentary inquiries and advised Commonwealth Ministers. Di is a Fellow of the Australian institute of Company Directors and an Associate Fellow of the Australian institute of Management.

Steve Joske CSC, Executive Director, WA

Appointed March 2003

Steve was Country Manager in indonesia and led Australia Red Cross’ tsunami operations following the 2004 indian Ocean tsunami. Steve also led Red Cross’ national Business Process improvement project and iT infrastructure operation. Steve joined Red Cross after a long career in the Australian Defence Force, including being the first Commander of the Australian Contingent to the Truce Monitoring Group in Bougainville.

Kevin Keeffe, Executive Director, QLD*

Appointed December 2011

Kevin has represented Australia on many international forums, including UNESCO, the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development, and was Chair of the OECD Environment Policy Committee for four years. As Queensland State Manager of the Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and indigenous Affairs, Kevin was engaged with Red Cross on the community recovery effort after the Queensland 2010/2011 flood and cyclone disasters.

Donna McSkimming, Head of International Programs

Appointed February 2006

With extensive experience in the Australian aid and development sector, Donna has had a diverse career, holding senior management and voluntary roles in not-for-profit organisations. She has also led national volunteer programs, and has a strong background in people and change management.

Chris Steinfort, Director, Human Resources

Appointed November 2008

Chris is responsible for the development of frameworks, systems, tools, policies and procedures across a broad range of Red Cross human resources functions. Prior to joining Red Cross, Chris worked for three years as the Executive Director Human Resources with Alfred Health. Chris has held operational human resources roles in food manufacturing in northern Victoria with Kraft Foods and Bonlac Foods.

Kerry Symons, Executive Director, SA

Appointed April 2004

Before joining Red Cross, Kerry worked in local government as Manager, Community and Environment, having oversight of Community Services, Community and Cultural Development, Library, Environmental and Health Services. Kerry was Regional Director with Spastic Centres of South Australia, and a social worker with the SA Government’s Department of Human Services and intellectual Disability Services Council.

John Wills, Director, Commercial Operations

Appointed February 2009

John is responsible for the national commercial activities of Red Cross, which includes more than 190 retail stores and the Red Cross College. John has held CEO roles with Zoos Victoria and CAE, and has a long history of retail management. He has been on numerous government boards including VicRelief, the Australian Practising Nurses Association and the Victorian TAFE Association.

* National Leadership Team members who resigned in 2011/2012 include Sharon Mulholland (Executive Director, NT), Olga Havnen (Head, Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander Strategy) and Greg Goebel (Executive Director, QLD).