RediCommunities is an Australian Red Cross facilitated program that empowers high hazard risk communities to develop and implement their own disaster resilience action plans and implement high-impact initiatives.
Our approach is evidence-based and informed by our network of Red Cross and Red Crescent societies worldwide and our domestic experience working with communities impacted by disasters.
We’ve developed our unique 5-phase Model for Strengthening Community Resilience, recognising that every community is different, so this approach is flexible, iterative, and responsive to community needs and priorities as these evolve and/or emerge.
Acknowledging that local communities know their own history, strengths, risks, people, resources, capacities and geographical location best, RediCommunities embeds an Australian Red Cross officer within a Local Government Area (LGA) throughout the two year program to provide on the ground leadership, guidance, facilitation & support every step of the way - so communities can develop the skills needed to lead their own resilience initiatives for years to come.
Our approach to working at a community-level combines our psychosocial expertise in the disaster context with our 110+ year history of mobilising people to ensure that communities are given the proper support they need as we build their capacity to ultimately lead resilience initiatives on their own - far beyond the two year program.
Through the efforts of the RediCommunities program, [our community] has experienced substantial positive change. Not only has the program bolstered resilience, but it has also fostered a stronger sense of unity, cooperation, and overall well-being within the community. The value of this work in [our community] has been significant.
So, I think the RediCommunities program has strengthened the community, not just in an emergency response space, but also more broadly for some of those general things that as a community we might face as the minor week to week challenges. I think the outputs have probably exceeded the initial intent of the program.
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