IFRC and National Societies in the Middle East region

In October 2023, IFRC launched its Middle East Crisis Appeal which aims to reach 500,000 affected people and covers the work of four National Societies in the region: Jordan National Red Crescent Society (JNRCS), Lebanese Red Cross Society (LRCS), Egyptian Red Crescent Society (ERCS) and Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC).

The IFRC Emergency Appeal’s funds are supporting these National Societies – along with IFRC’s own activity – to address the immediate and longer-term humanitarian impacts of the escalation in hostilities by providing logistics and supply chain support.

PRCS and MDA are on the front lines in their communities, and IFRC is continuing supporting their critical work.

Palestine Red Crescent Society

PRCS continues to be the leading provider of emergency and medical services throughout the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. The National Society is providing relief, shelter, water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) assistance, food items, parcels, cash assistance and psychosocial support and is supporting with medical evacuations. PRCS is navigating significant challenges to deliver humanitarian assistance due to the worsening security situation, staff displacement and fatigue, lack of electricity, fuel and access challenges.

Magen David Adom

MDA has mobilised all available resources to assist the injured, including ambulances, helicopters, mobile intensive care units, and specialised rescue vehicles and first responders. MDA is providing psychosocial support to those affected by the violence, and information to the public on safety, including guidelines on first aid and instructions on what to do during rocket attacks. MDA also organised blood collection across the country and substitute milk, helping babies where mothers have gone missing, held hostage, or are injured.

Neighbouring National Societies

ERCS and JNRCS are both supporting the supply of aid into the Gaza Strip. Red Crescent teams are working around the clock to prioritise and prepare humanitarian aid received from across the world. Working in collaboration with PCRS, aid trucks deliver the urgently needed aid across the border as and when possible. ERCS is also providing comprehensive support to medical evacuees and their families, including mental health and psychosocial services, housing, food and healthcare.

LRCS is responding to growing humanitarian need in Lebanon. At the time of writing, LRCS is assisting 115,000 displaced people with healthcare services, access to safe water and hygiene items, shelter and housing, cash and voucher assistance and food assistance.

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