Everyday help for everyone

Red Cross is working in communities across Australia. We want Australian communities to be strong and for the people in our communities to feel included and able to take part.

Aged and Community Care services

Whether you’re looking for community connection, an extra layer of safety, healthy meals or a lift from A to B, our volunteer-powered programs can help you.

Homelessness services

Red Cross believes that everyone deserves a home that is safe, secure and affordable.

For First Nations peoples

We’re committed to working respectfully and in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

People in the justice system

Our aim is to improve the lives of offenders and their families and to contribute to improved community outcomes.


Accommodation while receiving medical care (QLD)

If you need to travel for medical care, Red Cross runs these affordable, comfortable accommodation centres right next to three hospitals.

Young Parents Program (NSW)

Providing safe and nurturing residential accommodation and outreach for young parents

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