Modern slavery is when a person is exploited by others, for personal or commercial gain. The person loses their freedom and their ability to make choices for themselves
For example:
An exploiter might threaten, control, trick or use a large debt to force a person to work and make it difficult for them to leave.
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Coercion and threats |
Exploiters use coercion and threats to intimidate people to make them feel afraid to leave their workplaces. For example, exploiters might use:
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Debts |
Exploiters often use debt to force someone to continue working or prevent them from leaving. Often the debt is too big, and the person may never be able to pay off the debt. For example, the worker has a large debt and little control over how long they must work or what type of work they need to do to pay back the debt.
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Rules and controls |
Exploiters use rules and controls to make it difficult for someone to leave a situation and find help. For example, exploiters might:
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Deception and lies |
Exploiters often deceive and lie to someone before they start working or to prevent them from leaving their workplace. For example, exploiters might:
Modern slavery is a crime that happens in Australia. It can happen to anyone including men, women and children.
People who experience forced labour are forced to work against their will or under threat of punishment. They might work long hours in poor conditions and for little or no pay. They might have a large debt to an employer or sponsor, but the debt is too big to ever repay. People can be forced to work in any industry including construction, farming, manufacturing, retail and hospitality.
You might be experiencing forced labour if:
Eventually, Bobby was able to get help from a friend and was referred to the Support for Trafficked People Program. He received casework, financial, education, and training
Watch this video to learn more about forced labour in Australia
People who experience domestic servitude are forced to work in private houses, often as nannies, housemaids or cleaners. They often work very long hours, sleep in shared areas, are unpaid, and have little or no freedom.
You might be experiencing domestic servitude if you:
Eventually, Adeline managed to leave the house and contacted the police. Adeline received casework, financial support and help accessing accommodation and counselling under the Support for Trafficked People Program.
Watch this video to learn more about domestic servitude in Australia.
If you, or someone you know is exploited at work, help is available. If it is an emergency or there is a threat to your safety, call the police on 000.
If you are experiencing modern slavery and you would like free and confidential information about support options, contact:
We provide support to migrants all over the country, including people who have experienced human trafficking, forced labour or forced marriage. You may be eligible for a support program that can provide:
We can also provide you with information about other organisations and agencies that might be able to help.
Phone 1800 113 015
For free and confidential legal and migration assistance, contact:
Anti-Slavery Australia can provide free and confidential legal and migration assistance if you are experiencing modern slavery, including severe exploitation at work anywhere in Australia.
They can help you:
Phone 02 9514 8115
Email or use the online contact form
To report or discuss a concern, contact:
The Australian Federal Police (AFP) can protect people who are experiencing human trafficking, forced labour or forced marriage. You can ask them to refer you to Red Cross. If you are not comfortable contacting the federal police, you can contact Red Cross for advice.
Phone 131 237 (131 AFP)
Website or make a report online