Meet our volunteers

Helping 100,000 kids get disaster ready

Australian Red Cross Pillowcase Workshops mark 10-years.

Helping young people in crisis feel human again

Our Night Café is a safe after-hours space for people aged 12 to 25 years old experiencing or at risk of homelessness in Brisbane.

Helping people survive tough times

Every day of the year, volunteers hit the streets in our Soup Patrol van, serving hot, nutritious meals to some of the most vulnerable people in Perth and Fremantle.

Floods, fires and a pandemic

Red Cross Emergency Services volunteer Megan Fraser is “ready for anything”.

A friend at your side through the good times and the bad

For Rita, her Red Cross visitor is more than a friend. She is like a sister. And on the hard days of life, Lyn helps her find the sunny side.

“I don’t think I would’ve coped without her”

A Red Cross visitor is helping 94-year-old Kathryn overcome isolation and loneliness.

The story of Bill and his best friend

Every week Red Cross visitor Matt swaps stories and jokes with Bill. Those visits are the highlight of Bill’s week, bringing joy and laughter to his twilight years.

Olympics, cuppas and a yarn

Celebrating the International Day of Older Persons with the stories of three women's contribution and resilience.

Working in flood recovery

Making people feel safe and cared for during disaster.

His health restored, James is giving back

When James turned 40 his doctor told him his health was in a bad way and his future didn't look good. Today, James is not only healthy and strong he's giving back to the place that changed his life.

Giving way to giving back

How one man’s mission to finally get a driver licence turned into a passion to support others.

Driven to help others

We talk to two volunteers at different stages of their careers to see how volunteering helps them.

Connecting through volunteering

For volunteer Colin Anker, it’s an honour to spend time with Reg, a World War Two veteran and centenarian.

Helping bushfire evacuees find normalcy in chaos

When a grandmother and her twin granddaughters arrived at the Miriam Vale evacuation centre seeking refuge from bushfires, volunteer Joy sprang into action to help them get to their formal.

Fashion, Fundraising and Community

The Red Cross members and volunteers build community and raise thousands at the huge Bindaring Clothing Sale

A life of silver linings

Born with a disability and teased at school, Rachel has overcome challenges to live her best life. Here, Rachel tells how volunteering has played a part in her happiness.

A life full of giving

Toni makes weekly visits to several residents of aged care homes, calls isolated people living alone and she's made more than 460 donations to the Red Cross Blood Service.

Jennet was there when no one else could be

A Red Cross volunteer for 28 years, Jennet was the sole emergency services volunteer on hand when bushfires swept through the Cann River region in Victoria last summer.

A virtual hug and a friendly voice

Susan is an expert in comfort and virtual hugs. She and hundreds of other volunteers phone people who are struggling to let them know there’s a community, right here, they can lean on.

Breaking down digital barriers

In a world where many essential services have moved online, we’re working with partners and community members to design solutions that make digital tools accessible for all.

The power of good neighbours

When Tropical Cyclone Harold hit Vanuatu, Red Cross volunteers hiked along clifftops and traversed overflowing creeks to help remote and hard-to-reach communities.

National Volunteer Week 2020

A celebration of those who make a world of difference. From May 18th – 24th we celebrate National Volunteer Week.

The best of humanity in the worst of times

When a disaster like the Black Summer bushfires strike some wonderful people step in to help, says long-time Red Cross volunteer Sally Dowse.

The underrated power of tea and comfort

Deb Egan knows the tangible power of a listening ear, a smile and a simple cup of tea to someone caught up in a crisis like this summer’s bushfires.

Reaching out to fire-affected communities: our volunteers go home to home

Red Cross volunteer Kacey Lam gives this first-hand account of outreach visits to people recovering after the fires.

Red Cross volunteers in the heart of bushfire country

As bushfires rage through the hills of Kempsey, Red Cross volunteers create a warm and welcoming place for people whose lives have been disrupted.

Here’s to our volunteers! National Volunteer Week

This week we’re celebrating all the people who take action to make Australia a better place.

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