We took a trolleycam into Aldi and learned how to save money with FoodREDi

We took our busy FoodREDi trainers into an ALDI supermarket to see what tips and tricks we could learn from them to save money and eat better food.

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What to buy

  • Avoid buying convenience items
  • Buy rice and pasta in bulk
  • Buy generic brands
  • Look at specials tables - the vegetables here can be used in soups and casseroles
  • Organic food is not necessary for a healthy diet and is often more expensive

How to save

  • Purchase meat on special and then freeze
  • Use cheaper meat cuts in casseroles
  • Make meat go further with legumes

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Be wise about when and what you shop for

  • Avoid shopping when you're hungry
  • Check supermarket catalogues for specials and identify products you need before shopping
  • Avoid purchasing products on special you wouldn't usually buy
  • Purchase fresh fruit and vegetables in season
  • Buy frozen and canned fruit and vegetables if cheaper
  • Write a shopping list to avoid impulse buying and to save your time and money and reduce waste in the kitchen
  • Visit supermarkets near closing time - often products are reduced to clear
  • Shop at markets

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Australian Red Cross is proud to partner with ALDI to enhance and extend the FoodREDi program, providing individuals and families with the information and skills they need to access and prepare balanced meals, while understanding the impact of food choices on their overall health and wellbeing.

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