Safety and dignity come first

A Global Compact on Migration should protect migrants and refugees, no matter what. This week, United Nations member states meet in New York to develop a Global Compact on Safe, Regular and Orderly Migration.

International migration is at historically high levels, as millions flee conflict and persecution, or seek opportunity. Red Cross Red Crescent is present at every stage of a migrant’s journey – in the places they come from, the places they flee to, the places they are detained, and the places they settle.

We are proud to be part of the Global Compact discussions. We call on all governments to go beyond good intentions, and put people’s safety and dignity first.

This is what we ask – for everyone, regardless of where they come from or their legal status.

Protect people from violence, abuse and violations of human rights by:

  • saving lives through search and rescue on sea and land
  • border control policies that do not return people to danger
  • preventing traffickers and criminals from abusing or exploiting migrants
  • preventing hate crimes and other violence against migrants.

Enable everyone to access life-saving care by:

  • ensuring access to emergency health, shelter and food
  • addressing barriers such as gender, disability, age, language and fear of arrest
  • never criminalising humanitarian assistance.

Protect vulnerable children by:

  • identifying them for specific assessment and care
  • providing safe accommodation for unaccompanied and separated children
  • ending the separation of parents and children.

There are basic minimum standards for human dignity, and they must be afforded to all migrants, irrespective of status. We call on all UN member states to set time-bound goals to meet these standards.

Everyone can help refugees and migrants.

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