Health authorities will from time to time impose stay at home restrictions, and there will be only a small number of reasons to leave home.
There are few things you can do as you head out the door to protect yourself and others from COVID-19. A good thing to assume is that you could have the virus and so could everyone around you. If you keep this in mind you will help keep yourself and others COVID safe
Some people wonder why we need to wash our hands so often. Making sure your hands are clean before entering a shop is about protecting others. Many people who have COVID-19 feel OK but are very infectious (either they are yet to develop symptoms or never develop symptoms); this is why it is good to make sure hands are clean before you handle products that other shoppers or staff may handle. On the other hand, remembering not to touch your face while you are shopping, and to sanitise your hands on the way out (or wash them when you get home) is about protecting yourself from any germs you might have picked up while shopping (from touching products, trolleys, self-checkouts etc).
We can all develop new routines. If we practice and adopt these habits now they will help protect us from COVID-19 as well as other infections like the common cold and influenza. And while you go about your business, spare a thought for essential workers- like supermarket checkout operators, who don’t have the option to work from home. Give them a big smile and say thank you.
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