Slavery isn’t a thing of the past. Around the world - including Australia - men, women, and children are subjected to trafficking, exploitation, and slavery crimes. According to research findings, there are now more people enslaved than in any other time in history.
Every year on 30 July, World Day Against Trafficking In Persons aims to:
The campaign will be marked by a blue heart symbolising the sadness of those who are trafficked and use the hashtag #EndHumanTrafficking.
This year’s theme is the use and abuse of technology. The use of technology globally has seen traffickers increasingly use online platforms to recruit, exploit and have power over individuals. The theme also highlights opportunities that exist in using technology to combat modern slavery.
Modern slavery is when coercion, threats or deception are used to exploit individuals and deprive them of their freedom. Modern slavery can take various forms including forced labour, forced marriage, and human trafficking but what these serious crimes have in common are the that they undermine a person’s freedom and ability to make choices for themselves.
Every day we are surrounded by modern slavery, but many people don’t realise it.
Let’s bust some common myths and misperceptions to better understand modern slavery in the 21st century.
Red Cross provides support for people who have experienced human trafficking, forced labour, or forced marriage. Learn more about our work »
Contact our Support for Trafficking People Program by calling 03 9345 1800 or send us an email.
You can also contact us if you suspect a case of human trafficking or forced labour. If you think someone is in imminent danger please call the police on 000.
To report or discuss a concern call the Australian Federal Police on 131 AFP (131 237).
If you are not comfortable contacting the AFP, you can contact Red Cross for confidential advice.
If you would like to learn more about modern slavery in Australia, we have prepared multi-lingual resources »
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