Thanks to the generosity of people, businesses, governments and Channels 7, 9 and 10, Red Cross received funds to support people impacted by the floods through the Australia Unites Telethon and the Qld and NSW Floods Appeal.
From February to April 2022, Australian Red Cross ran two separate appeals (Australia Unites Telethon Appeal, and the Qld and NSW Floods Appeal) to raise funds for flood-affected households in Queensland and New South Wales.
100% of proceeds from the Telethon Appeal went to people impacted by the floods as immediate relief cash grants. Red Cross, with some pro-bono support from corporate partners, covered the costs of administering the Telethon Appeal.
With respect to the Qld and NSW Floods Appeal, everything possible was done to keep our costs low, including seeking and receiving pro-bono support. Consistent with the appeal intent, the Qld and NSW Floods Appeal used 10 cents in the dollar to cover essential support costs. Any interest earned on donations will be invested back into the appeal.