Young Parents Program

Supporting young parents and their children to build independence and resilience.

This service is available in New South Wales.

Young Parents Program provides safe and nurturing residential accommodation and outreach for young parents.

Young Parents Program works with parents aged 13 to 25 with complex needs. We use an evidence-based, child-centred and therapeutically-informed approach to help young parents build independence and confidence.

Parent and child playing in playground

Parents can reach their full potential

In a safe, nurturing family environment, mothers and fathers take part in long-term early intervention at one of our four NSW locations.

Young Parents Program new parents can access:

  • therapeutic case management
  • weekly parenting classes
  • educational and vocational opportunities
  • life skills groups
  • quality child development services and playgroups.
Two young mums explain the impact of the Young Parents Program on their lives.

Residential program

Intensive support and residential accommodation in Sydney for young women, aged 13 to 18, and their children. Includes case management, parenting groups and living skills and playgroup.


Semi-supported housing and outreach for under 25-year-old parents and their children. Post-natal groups for young women. Available in Sydney’s inner city, eastern suburbs, Parramatta region, Central Coast and Shoalhaven.


Supporting families to build and maintain their strengths and resilience for life-long independence. Linking young parents, aged up to 25 years, to services, home visits and child development services.

Contact us

Phone inquiries and referrals are taken from young people, family members, social workers, counsellors, health professionals and other service providers.

Call the Young Parents Program centre reception in Randwick:

Phone 02 8383 7500

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