Red Cross 50 Retention

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Photo: Conor Ashleigh
Red Cross 50 Renewal
I pledge to act for humanity and renew my Red Cross 50 membership. Please accept my next pledge of this amount.
Charity donations $2 or more to Australian Red Cross are tax-deductible in Australia.
Your receipt will be emailed to this address.


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By clicking "Donate", I certify that:

  1. I am at least 18 years old.
  2. I accept the terms and conditions.
  3. I understand that my personal information will be collected and used as set out in the Red Cross privacy policy and privacy collection notice.
  4. I understand I can access and change my personal information at anytime by calling Australian Red Cross at 1800 733 276 or via

Renew your membership

Together with you, for humanity. 

Thank you so much for being part of the Red Cross 50. You are more than a group of individuals; you are a collective of humanitarians who don’t just believe in making a lasting impact; you take actions to make it real.

Over the past year, this caring community has come together to create positive change and a better future for humankind. You are an integral part of that.

Together, we have made progress, but the challenges ahead will undoubtedly be significant, and the call for humanitarian support has never been more critical.

Our communities are facing an increasing number of more severe disasters, climate change threats, the devastation of new and evolving armed conflicts and much more.

Now, it's time to renew your membership with your $5,000 pledge and see the momentum of your kindness and compassion grow even further. Your investment is vital to our ability to plan and respond to future challenges.

When you joined the Red Cross 50, you boldly chose to stand up and do something practical to help others who were struggling. Thank you for being part of the success of this special collective of humanitarians.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your membership, please contact Lenny Elario, our Red Cross 50 Relationship Manager, on 0418 126 060 or

Some of the benefits of your Red Cross 50 membership:

  • The opportunity to speak directly with Red Cross leaders about humanitarian issues.
  • Hear the stories behind the stories with virtual project tours and invitations to Red Cross briefings.
  • Develop the knowledge and tools to help support the most marginalised communities and people.
  • Receive real-time support from your personal Red Cross 50 relationship manager.
  • Individual recognition of your generostiy in our annual report.

Charity donations of $2 or more to Australian Red Cross may be tax deductible in Australia. Site protected by Google Invisible reCAPTCHA. © Australian Red Cross 2024. ABN 50 169 561 394