Understanding and responding to modern slavery

Exploitation as a continuum

xploitation as a continuum - imagine a line with different extremes at each end. Exploitative practices vary in severity, depending on where they fall on the continuum and can move from poor work conditions to modern slavery practices which represent the most severe types of exploitation.

Watch this video to learn about exploitation as a continuum.

What is modern slavery? 

Modern slavery is an umbrella term for a range of practices involving coercion, threats or deception to exploit people and deprive them of their freedom. These are serious crimes globally and in Australia. They include different offences outlined in Division 270 and 271 of the Australian Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth). Practices include but are not limited to: 


Signs of modern slavery 

There are a variety of signs that could suggest someone is in a situation of modern slavery. Let’s look at some of the signs of forced labour and domestic servitude. These signs can also suggest other modern slavery practices, too.  


Forced labour  

Signs can include, but are not limited to: 

  • being forced to work;
  • working long hours with little time off; 
  • not having control over their earnings; 
  • paying off a large debt to a recruiter or employer for travel, accommodation, clothing, food transport or work documents; 
  • not being able to leave their place of work or negotiate conditions; 
  • being intimated or threatened at work, such as being told they will be deported or their family will be harmed;
  • not able to access their passport or other identification documents; 
  • not being able to see a doctor or get medical treatment. 

Watch this video to learn more about forced labour in Australia. 

Domestic servitude  

Signs can include, but are not limited to: 

  • never or rarely being able to leave the house for personal reasons; 
  • only being allowed to leave the house under employer supervision; 
  • not being allowed contact with family or friends;
  • having their phone taken away; 
  • being made to sleep in a shared or inappropriate space and not having access to any private space; 
  • being subjected to insults, degrading treatment, abuse or violence; 
  • experiencing sleep and food deprivation. 


Watch this video to learn more about domestic servitude in Australia. 

Key questions to ask yourself include: 

  • Is the person free to leave or stop working?
  • Has the person been coerced or deceived in any way? 
  • Is their freedom affected by their work conditions? 
  • Are there any restrictions on their movement or communication? 

If yes, they could be experiencing modern slavery.  


Responding safely to people at risk 

If someone discloses a situation of exploitation to you, or you identify signs of exploitation when supporting someone, consider the situation and assess any risks. 

  • React in a sensitive, calm way, acknowledge their situation, and listen to them. 
  • Let them know you believe them, both verbally and non-verbally. 
  • Take accurate notes.
  • Explore their needs: Are they feeling safe? Are there any risks? What would they like to happen next? 
  • Explain that you will respect their wishes about what they want to happen next.  
  • It is important not to make promises about what support is available, as this often differs on a case-by-case basis. 


Referring people to support 

If you think someone has or is experiencing modern slavery, there are different ways they can get support. It is important that the person at risk provides informed consent before you refer them to any organisation for help.  

For free and confidential information about support options, contact: 

Australian Red Cross 

We provide support to migrants in Australia, including people who have experienced human trafficking, forced labour or forced marriage.  We run the Support for Trafficked People Program across Australia which helps people recover and rebuild their lives. 

The program helps people find somewhere safe to live and provides support to access medical care, counselling, and legal and migration advice. We also provide financial support, and help with education, training, finding a job and building social connections. 

The program is funded by the Department of Social Services and eligibility is determined by the Australian Federal Police. 

For information on our other programs, visit migration services and support on our website. 

Phone 1800 113 015 
Email National_stpp@redcross.org.au 
Website redcross.org.au/stpp 

For free and confidential legal and migration assistance, contact: 

Anti-Slavery Australia 

They are a specialist legal practice for people who have experienced or are at risk of experiencing modern slavery in Australia. 

Anti-Slavery Australia provides free and confidential legal advice, assistance and representation on immigration, citizenship, employment law, family law, criminal law and victims’ compensation. 

They can also help to connect people with other support services, such as housing, counselling and financial assistance. 

Phone 02 9514 8115 
Email antislavery@uts.edu.au or use the online contact form 
Website www.antislavery.org.au  

To report or discuss a concern, contact: 

Australian Federal Police 

The federal police investigate cases of modern slavery and can refer suspected cases to the Support for Trafficked People Program we run. They also work to raise awareness of modern slavery practices. 

Phone 131 237 (131 AFP) 
Website www.afp.gov.au or make a report online 

Tools and resources

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