Focus on Protection, Gender and Inclusion

More than 90% of the people fleeing Ukraine are women, children, older people, persons with disabilities, and other groups facing different vulnerabilities and risks.

In times of conflict, there are increased risks of sexual and gender-based violence, trafficking, sexual exploitation and abuse. Recognising these significant needs, Australian Red Cross has dedicated a portion of the Ukraine Crisis Appeal funds to scale-up the IFRC’s Protection, Gender and Inclusion (PGI) work.

Through its PGI work, the Movement aims to ensure that all people can access the support they need in a dignified way which protects their safety. This includes assessing the needs and risks of those affected, particularly the specific needs of certain groups who may have trouble accessing support or who may face exclusion or discrimination such as women, children, persons with disabilities, minority ethnic groups, persons of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities.

The work has included, for example:

  • Providing child friendly spaces
  • Providing support catered to the needs of persons with disabilities, such as kits and support accessing information and services
  • Reconnecting families who have been separated as a result of the conflict
  • Providing referrals to specialist services for those who need it
  • Providing training for Red Cross Red Crescent personnel on protection, gender and inclusion principles, child protection and the prevention of sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment
  • Raising awareness of how to get help and how to provide feedback among those impacted.
Katia and her daughter Lilia came from Kharkiv to Uzhhorod in late March. Katia has received a Red Cross family hygiene kit for the first time. “The most important items for me are shampoo and washing powder. We have so many clothes to wash,” she says. “I wish that in the future my family will be healthy and happy. And I wish happiness for our country and for the whole world, too.” Photo: Ville Palonen/Finnish Red Cross.

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