A final message to supporters

Australian aid worker Jess Letch

"By providing financial support to an appeal, you’ve enabled us to give the right assistance at the right time to people affected by this crisis. In some cases, it means providing the support local responders need to do their jobs well. It also means people get cash grants so they can spend it in the way they need; pay rent, buy schoolbooks, a new pair of shoes for their child, food to keep to themselves going for another month, the types of things this flexible assistance enables."

Local Red Cross volunteer Anna

Anna had to leave Ukraine with her young daughter and has become a volunteer with Romanian Red Cross. Previously working as a psychologist, she now focusses on Red Cross’ work with traumatised refugee mothers and children. They need to find a place to stay, look for work, take care of their children, find schools, but I also help the women not to forget to take care of themselves. If they don’t help themselves, they will never be able to help others.

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