It is estimated that nearly 50 million people around the world are subject to modern slavery. Their labour – extracted through deception, force, coercion, violence or threats – forms part of the supply chains that make many of the products we consume every day.

Modern slavery is not just something that happens overseas. The hidden nature of slavery means it is difficult to get an exact estimate, but various estimates suggest anywhere between 1,300 and 40,000 people are living in modern slavery in Australia. Many go undetected.

Australian Red Cross assists survivors of modern slavery in Australia. We provide holistic casework support to help survivors get back on their feet again. We have been running this program on behalf of the Australian Government since 2009 and have helped hundreds of people.

Our commitment to address modern slavery

Red Cross is committed to ending modern slavery and supporting survivors and has pledged to work with the Australian Government to support a whole-of-community approach to ending modern slavery. We work to build community strengths, empower people to help themselves and each other, and to address the systemic causes that make people vulnerable to exploitation.

Australian Red Cross Modern Slavery Statement

Australian Red Cross takes seriously our responsibility to mitigate the risks of modern slavery within our organisation. We have developed a systematic program of work to assess and address risks in our operations and supply chain, and we review this program on an ongoing basis to continuously improve our actions.

As a humanitarian organisation, our efforts to prevent modern slavery extend far beyond our workplaces. Through our programs and services, we promote a whole-of-community approach to eliminating modern slavery in Australia and beyond.

Our work is informed by the voices and experiences of those with lived experience of modern slavery. Their experiences and expertise will ensure that our actions in this space are effective, meaningful and people focused.

Australian Red Cross modern slavery statement navigate_next

Understanding modern slavery

Modern slavery is an umbrella term for a range of practices that involve coercion, threats or deception being used to exploit people and deprive them of their freedom. These are serious crimes globally and in Australia. Learn more below.

What steps can your organisation take to address modern slavery?

Modern Slavery resources

Multilingual resources about modern slavery for community members and frontline workers, including print materials and educational videos.

See the resources navigate_next

Learn more

Anti-Slavery Australia

For free and confidential legal and migration assistance

Phone 02 9514 8115

Attorney General’s Department

In Australia, The Attorney General Is responsible for the National Action Plan on modern slavery and administers the Modern Slavery Act in Australia


Australian Federal Police

In Australia, AFP leads a policing response to disrupt, investigate and prosecute perpetrators of human trafficking and slavery in Australia


International Organization for Migration

Part of the United Nations System and the leading inter-governmental organization promoting humane and orderly migration.


Migrant Justice Institute

Undertakes strategic research and public engagement to achieve fair treatment, enforcement of rights and access to justice for migrant workers globally and in Australia.


NSW Anti-slavery Commissioner

NSW was the first state or territory in Australia to introduce standalone legislation to address modern slavery, the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (NSW)


International Labour Organization

A specialised United Nations agency for advancing social justice and promoting decent work


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