Emergency relief support

Support for temporary visa holders, people seeking asylum and people with an uncertain visa status to help meet their basic needs.

How much is the payment?

Your application will be assessed for all available emergency relief available in your state or territory at that time.

If eligible, payment amounts will vary according to your situation and family size.

We know you may be in a difficult situation, however this is not income support and we know the payment may not meet all your needs.

Who is this service for?

Applicants must meet all of the following:

Live in Australia

Be unable to access Commonwealth Government income support

Be seeking asylum, hold a temporary visa or have an uncertain visa status

Have no or very limited income, savings or community support

Get started

You must confirm that all information provided to Red Cross is true and correct. If your application contains information or documentation believed to be false or misleading, including concealing any relevant circumstances, it will be declined.

If you have applied for emergency relief with Red Cross before, please use the same username and password to login.

Information for service providers

Service providers can help a client to apply via the online portal.

If you are supporting a client to apply, do not use your work email address; applications must be made using the client’s unique personal email. If the client does not currently have an email address, please support them to open a new one.

© Australian Red Cross 2024. ABN 50 169 561 394