You can do something today to support refugees and people seeking asylum in Australia. There are many ways to help directly through Red Cross or independently in the community.

Volunteer for In Search of Safety

The assistance of our generous volunteers make the scale and reach of our program possible. If you would like to get involved, please contact our team in your state.


Share your experience

If you have lived experience of forced migration or seeking asylum in Australia and would like to become involved with In Search of Safety, please contact our team in your state.

Take action

  • Donate dollars: provide emergency relief to people seeking safety who are in financial hardship
  • Donate goods: provide items to migrants in transition who have limited resources to meet their basic needs
  • Raise your voice: write to your Member of Parliament about issues you feel passionate about
  • Connect: organise or join an event like Harmony Day, Refugee Week or Welcoming Australia in your community
  • Download our Welcome Toolkit: actions for students to make your community an even more inclusive place to live.
Hold humanitarian conversations
Know the facts so you can be a community diplomat.
Learn more
Help with a job
Help great people find jobs and enjoy work.
Learn more
Volunteer with other migration support programs
Other ways you can support refugees and asylum seekers in your community.
Learn more

Charity donations of $2 or more to Australian Red Cross may be tax deductible in Australia. Site protected by Google Invisible reCAPTCHA. © Australian Red Cross 2024. ABN 50 169 561 394