Red Cross teams continue support for communities hit by Tropical Cyclone Seroja

27 April 2021 - As cyclone-hit Western Australian communities continue the long road to recovery, teams of trained Red Cross volunteers are on the ground providing personal support and other specialised help.

As cyclone-hit Western Australian communities continue the long road to recovery, teams of trained Red Cross volunteers are on the ground providing personal support and other specialised help.

Red Cross has been asked by the Department of Communities to assist with recovery efforts in the areas affected by Tropical Cyclone Seroja, which damaged more than 1,074 buildings. 

“Homes, businesses, telecommunications, and road infrastructure as well as the electricity service across a number of Western Australian communities were destroyed when it hit on April 11 as a category three cyclone,” said Red Cross WA Emergency Services Manager Erin Fuery.

“Our Register.Find.Reunite. service was activated on 11 April, to help people who might have been separated or lost contact in the emergency to know that their family and friends are safe.

“By yesterday (22 April) 321 people had registered and 73 people had made enquiries. Please visit to register your location if you were affected by TC Seroja, or to enquire about someone who may be in an area affected if you have been unable to contact them.

“Red Cross has set up an incident management team in Perth, and we have deployed Emergency Services personnel From Western Australia and interstate to affected areas including Kalbarri, Northampton and Morawa to provide psychosocial support to people impacted by the disaster.

“They are also gathering information to support impact and needs assessments; and supporting the planning of recovery activities.    

“Our teams are also on hand at three welfare hubs open across Kalbarri, Northampton and Geraldton, providing a friendly face and a listening ear to affected people.”

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