Australian Red Cross is calling on interested agencies to register to provide children’s disability services from Lady Lawley Cottage.
Red Cross transitioned services from the historic Cottesloe facility to other providers in 2020, and has now completed a co-design process to determine the future use of Lady Lawley Cottage, guided by a range of interested groups.
“This included former users of Lady Lawley Cottage, those with lived experience, peak bodies, disability providers and other interested parties. This was a valuable and inclusive process and it proved enormously useful hearing directly from families and their advocates as to what they need going forward,” Red Cross Director Western Australia Craig Stewart said.
“We are now moving to an Expression of Interest process to seek a suitable children’s disability provider interested in delivering services from Lady Lawley Cottage with the facility being provided on a Red Cross subsidised lease. We are inviting registered not-for-profit providers interested in delivering from Lady Lawley Cottage to register their interest now by emailing DirectorWA@redcross.org.au
“Once your interest is registered you will receive an expression of interest pack in the week of 4 January 2022. The EOI process will be open until Friday the 11th of February for submissions.”
For media queries or interview requests, contact media@redcross.org.au or 1800 733 443.