ABC News Breakfast- Red Cross consultant and psychologist Dr Rob Gordon speaks to ABC News Breakfast about anxiety during the ongoing pandemic, with millions of people in lockdown across Australia.
Australian Community Media- Opinion piece Andrew Coghlan, Red Cross head of emergency services - The Pandemic is not over: hardest hit need more support [paywall].
Channel Nine News Melbourne - Red Cross Emergency Services Manager Kate Siebert explains the work of volunteers in the Dandenongs after ferocious storms left thousands of homes without power and water.
3AW - Red Cross warns recovery from Victoria’s severe storm will be complex.
29 August 2021, ABC online, How Red Cross and a radio reconnected a family torn apart by conflict
Amy McLachlan explains to ABC News why its important not to send unsolicited goods to disaster areas.
Our Acting Director International programs, Penny Harrison talks to TRT World News in Turkey about the needs on the ground in Tonga.
International Response Manager Sophie Ford talks to The Guardian about getting aid to tsunami impacted Tonga and concerns about influx of aid bringing COVID to the remote islands.
Head of International Humanitarian Programs, Adrian Prouse, tells Sydney Morning Herald about our initial response to Tonga as full picture of damage remains unclear.
Melinda Spink chats to ABC Radio about the work done to prepare Tonga Red Cross for disasters, like the volcanic eruption and tsunami.
Acting Director of International Penny Harrison talks to Weekend Today about Tonga response.