People with lived experience of the justice system will bring a unique perspective to your organisation.
Impact on recruitment
The employer story
There are many benefits to the employer when recruiting people with lived experience of the justice system. Join Sarah, a Red Cross manager, as she shares her experience recruiting staff members from this cohort.
Impact on the employee
Employers shared that people with lived experience of the justice system integrated into their business because they were:
hardworking and a team player
liked by their colleagues and customers
appreciative of the opportunity
able to demonstrate they had the right skills for the job.
The lived experience story
Following Tony’s contact with the justice system, he is now engaged with Red Cross and supports others in his community. Join Tony and Deb as they discuss employment benefits for people with lived experience of the justice system.
Impact on stakeholders
An interview with James Timpson, Chief Executive of Timpson retailer, who has recruited people with lived experience of the justice system found that there was no negative impact on brand reputation but rather a positive impact on their brand.