Our goal is to create stronger and more resilient communities with increased capacity to prepare for, anticipate, respond to and recover from disasters and crises.
Each year, disasters caused by natural hazards affect more than 200 million people worldwide while millions more are displaced by human induced crises and emergencies.
IFRC World Disasters Report: Leaving No One Behind, 2018
We are committed to reducing inefficiencies and duplication and embracing collective impact.
In a crisis, international aid takes time to arrive. It’s vital to have local emergency response teams trained, equipped and ready to help as soon as possible.
We draw on the knowledge, skills and experiences of local actors, and complements this with capacities at regional and international levels.
We work in the Asia-Pacific region – home to two-thirds of the world’s population and its most disaster-prone countries. We partner directly with the following Red Cross Red Crescent national societies:
Core funding
We contribute to core operating costs as part of a long-term approach to financial sustainability.
Institutional strengthening
We support organisational development focusing on ethics, partnership, resource mobilisation, financial management and women’s leadership.
Disaster risk management
We provide technical assistance in the areas of protection, gender and inclusion, shelter and settlements, emergency health and water, sanitation and hygiene.
Influence and advocacy
We create strategic partnerships in areas such as anticipatory action, epidemic preparedness and early detection and response.
Help with tracing family members and finding missing loved ones separated by war, disaster or migration.
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