The international humanitarian law (IHL) program conducts research and produces a range of publications and resources to promote an understanding of, and respect for IHL.
The International Humanitarian Law Handbook for Australian Government Officials
A guide for parliamentarians to the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
Also available in Arabic | French | Spanish
Promoting respect for international humanitarian law: a handbook for parliamentarians
Protect this emblem because it protects lives
International Humanitarian Law and the Responsibility to Protect: a handbook
Also available in French
Protecting people: international humanitarian law
Handbook on International Humanitarian Law Mooting
Research into the impact of IHL Knowledge - IHL Knowledge Framework - September 2022
International Humanitarian Law in Context Webinars: Afghanistan - Summary Report
2022 IHL Symposium – Summary Report
Corporate war crimes and other liabilities
An introduction to the ways corporations may be liable for war crimes in Australia.
The value and impact of International Humanitarian Law Knowledge - January 2023
NEW The International Humanitarian Law Handbook for Humanitarians and Health Professionals
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