How can Australian Red Cross help your business?

As part of the world’s largest humanitarian network – the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement – Australian Red Cross has a mandated responsibility to ensure that international humanitarian law is understood and respected in times of peace and war.

Any business working in a region experiencing conflict will have certain responsibilities and protections under international humanitarian law.  We want to work with those businesses to ensure they are equipped with the knowledge and tools they need to align their internal policies, processes and practices with these laws. Achieving a standard of corporate best practice in international humanitarian law will not only help companies mitigate the unique risks associated with conducting business in conflict zones, but will also help to protect the lives and dignity of communities affected by armed conflict. 

Since 2018, we have consulted with a number of Australian companies, across various sectors, on the importance of international humanitarian law in their business. We would be pleased to advise and guide your business through this process.  We can offer our assistance in the form of confidential advice and reviews of internal documents and policies, IHL compliance assessments, general and specialised IHL training. 

To start a conversation on IHL Best Practice, and its relevance to your company, please contact Ms Fauve Kurnadi, Legal Adviser - Private Sector Engagement, International Humanitarian Law

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