Know what's normal for your dog or cat

Three simple tests you can do at home to check all is well with your furry friend.
How to check your dog or cat's temperature
Do you know the normal body temperature for your four-legged friend? Typically, an elevated temperature can indicate infection or inflammation, and can signify serious health issues. Normal body temperature for both cats and dogs can be between 37.5 - 39C. Find out the best way to take your pet’s temperature by doing an online
Learn about your pet's heart rate
Breathing rates can help you detect if your pet has any respiratory abnormalities. To check your their breathing, watch your cat or dog and observe how many times their chest rises and falls in one minute. Normal heart rates are within these ranges: Puppy (less than 1 year old) - 120-160 beats per minute. Small breed dog - 100-140 beats per minute. Medium to large breed dog - 60-100 beats per minute. Cats - 160-220 beats per minute.
The dehydration test
Left untreated severe dehydration can cause serious organ damage and even death for your pet. You can determine if your pet is dehydrated by pulling up on the skin between their shoulder blades. When you let go, the skin should spring right back in place. If it stays tented this can be a sign of dehydration. Note - older animals' skin may stay tented for a bit longer as they lose elasticity in their skin with age.

In an emergency, first aid matters as much to animals as to humans – so we’re sharing first aid tips for all the family.

First Aid for humans

Learn first aid and mental health first aid for your human friends and family through a nationally-recognised Red Cross course near you.

Pet First Aid

Just like humans, pets can injury themselves or become ill. Pet First Aid courses and kits help keep your pets safe and happy.

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