You can book now to gain the knowledge and confidence to deliver first aid in all kinds of emergency situations. In the meantime, here’s a summary of the key lifesaving tips that all pet owners need to know.
Pet emergencies can include breathing, heart, and other medical or trauma related conditions that can be life-threatening.
You won’t have time to look up information so it’s crucial to know how to respond before an emergency occurs. There are two important steps in ideally preventing pet emergencies but being prepared if they do occur.
1. Prevent: accidents from happening by identifying, removing or reducing the risk of potential hazards in your home, garden and wherever you like to take your pet.
2. Prepare: all the resources that you may need in a pet emergency for quick access.
Keep all pet emergency resources in one easily accessible location, that is known by all family members. Ensure all your vet contacts are current and accessible. Your general Vet may not be open 24 hours or there may be another suited for animal emergencies.
Store First Aid kits, along with other emergency resources, in a cool dry place. Supplies can have used by dates so make sure you monitor the dates and replace as needed.
The table below contains several hazards that may cause a health risk to your pets. There are also action examples to help reduce or remove these hazards.
Example: Garlic, chocolate, alcohol, caffeine, fattys foods.
Action: Avoid purchasing these edible products. Alternatively store in a location that is not accessible to your pet and avoid consuming these products around them.
Ensure all eating utensials are immediately cleaned and waste is secured after consumption or preparation.
Example: Insecticides, fetilizers, paints and solvents, oils.
Action: Avoid using or store poisins and toxic substances in a secure location that is inaccesbile to pets.
Example: Aloe Vera, Hydrangea, English Ivy, Cyclamen, Hibiscus.
Action: Avoid purchasing toxic plants and flowers and replace existing with non toxic variety. Alternatively limit pets' accessibility to these plants.
Example: Broken or no fences around the property or dwelling.
Action: Ensure all fences and house barriers such as doors are functional and adequately keep your pet in a safe environment. Remember uncontrolled pets, cars/transport and native wildlife do not mix.
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