In all our activities we are guided by the Red Cross Fundamental Principles.
Our Code of Conduct (our Code) states who we are, and how we conduct ourselves in our work on behalf of Australian Red Cross.
When you start working with Australian Red Cross we will ask you to read and accept Our Code as an acknowledgement that you understand the organisational culture we strive to have and the expectations we have of the way Australian Red Cross people behave as individuals, towards each other, our members, clients, donors, partners and other supporters.
It is our vision to be harm free.
Red Cross is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy environment. We support this commitment in a variety of ways including providing our people with appropriate systems, tools and training and ensuring we comply with legislation. We are always looking to continually improve our work health and safety systems and performance.
As Red Cross people, we also assume personal responsibility for achieving this vision by actively promoting values and behaviours that will continue to improve our safety culture and performance.
A career at Red Cross is about helping to improve the lives of people and communities in times of vulnerability. We also offer a range of benefits to ensure your career at Red Cross is as fulfilling and rewarding as possible.
Salary packaging allows you to pay for certain expenses before tax is taken out of earnings. This reduces the amount of tax paid, helping staff make the most of their income.
You could choose to package a range of benefits up to $15,900 each FBT year on items such as your mortgage, rent, school tuition fees, private health insurance or even a personal loan repayment. You may decide to use our convenient Salary Packaging Payment Card to package everyday living expenses including groceries, clothing and utility bills.
For more information and for useful calculators to estimate how much you could save please visit our workplace benefits provider, Maxxia.
If you have an ongoing employment relationship with us, then you would be eligible to enter into novated lease arrangements for a motor vehicle, subject to credit approval by the financier and approval by us.
By leasing a vehicle through Maxxia you could enjoy plenty of savings including your lease costs, insurance, and servicing and maintenance costs.
You could save on tax, and save when it comes to running your car. For more information please visit our workplace benefits provider, Maxxia.
We offer external free, professional, confidential counselling assistance to members of the workforce who may need help with particular problems affecting their well being; personally, in the workplace and in the field.
Our Flexible Work Arrangement Policy includes provisions such as the ability to alter your start and finish times, job sharing and part time options where appropriate.
In line with our Flexible Work - 48/52 Policy, you may also be eligible to purchase additional annual leave by reducing your salary by the nominated weeks and then annualising this salary across the full year.
We acknowledge the need to balance your work and personal life and have developed our Children in the Workplace Policy for those situations where there are no other reasonable alternatives.
In addition to flexible work arrangements, we also offer paid parental leave for the birth mother and the domestic partner of the birth mother.
We are committed to helping ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of our workforce. As part of this commitment, we have established Social & Wellbeing Committees in each state and territory who coordinate regular activities and assist in launching organisational initiatives.
We have a dedicated team of Work Health & Safety representatives as well as committees in each state and territory. Their number one priority is to assist in making your workplace safe.
Our Study Assistance Policy and Performance Review & Development model ensures that not only do you have adequate skills and support to perform your current role, but that you also have the opportunity to enhance your work performance to meet your personal career direction.
All of our internal vacancies are listed on our intranet and our recruitment practices support the principles of equity, fairness and transparency.