Download a Trauma Teddy knitting pattern to start knitting Standard Teddies right away.
There are also some easy to follow patterns, a crochet pattern and simple sewing up instructions.
Please follow the pattern carefully. You can also view the video instructions above.
When you’re ready to drop off your Teddies, contact us to find your local coordinator.
Let us know where you live through our contact form and we will put you in touch with a local coordinator.
You can join a local group, but you can also just knit at home and your coordinator will help you arrange delivery of completed Teddies or knitted halves (“skins” or “flats”).
Yes! You may like to start your own Trauma Teddy Group. Please contact us to liaise with a Red Cross coordinator or your local Red Cross branch to discuss quality control and distribution.
That is absolutely fine. Just follow the knitting instructions carefully and tie the two halves together. You can give or send in the knitted halves and we will arrange to finish them. Please contact us and we will put you in touch with your local coordinator.
We’d love your help. You can help us sew up the knitted Teddies, or stuff and finish them. Please contact us and we will put you in touch with your local coordinator.
You can find these details in our patterns. Please make sure you only use the 8 ply wool or acrylic yarn and a needle size that produces a firm knit (not too loose) to stop the filling coming out through the stitches. The needle size you use depends on your knitting style – size 3 for loose knitters or 3.25 for tight knitters.
You can purchase yarn in lots of craft stores, as well as online. Please only use 8 ply wool or acrylic yarn. Mohair, angora, Feathersoft, Lurex or cotton yarn should not be used anywhere on Teddies because they can cause allergic reactions. Your local coordinator may have some donated yarn they can share with knitters.
Trauma Teddies should be stuffed with a polyester monofilament (Dacron) fibre approved by Red Cross. Be sure the use the correct filling (see the Trauma Teddy pattern for more details). Filling can be purchased from craft stores and some department stores. Your local coordinator sometimes has stuffing supplies to share.
Trauma Teddies must never have any loose pieces or extras such as scarves or buttons, unless they are knitted into the fabric of the Trauma Teddy.
Quality and safety are important for all Trauma Teddies. Your local coordinator inspects every Trauma Teddy. Once passed, a Red Cross label will be sewn on to the Trauma Teddy by a Red Cross coordinator or at a Teddy Finishing School.
You can drop your completed Teddies (or knitted skins) into your local Red Cross office. Alternatively, contact us to make arrangements with a local coordinator for delivery or collection. Make sure you include a note with your name and contact details with your finished Teddies.
We can always use suitable quality materials to help us knit and complete our Teddies. Please contact us and we’ll put you in touch with a local coordinator who can assist you.
Trauma Teddies are not for sale. We are always keen to share our Teddies with deserving causes and services. Please contact us and we’ll put you in touch with a local coordinator who can assist you.
Please check with Services Australia for volunteer opportunities with Red Cross that are acceptable for mutual obligations. Your local Trauma Teddy coordinator may be able to advise.
Please check with the Duke of Edinburgh program. Depending on the supervision arrangements for your DofE program, a Red Cross local coordinator may be able to assist.
Answers to many common questions about Trauma Teddies can be found on this page navigate_next
Contact us to find out how you can start knitting, join a group or receive Trauma Teddies.
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