Red Cross services Telecross and Telechat are social connection services over the phone. If you have 1 hour a week spare you could volunteer in one of these programs and help people feel more connected to their community and make some new friendships.
Check to see if any volunteer roles are available in the Telecross and Telechat programs.
Telecross Volunteers make phone calls to check on the wellbeing of people who are isolated and at risk of an accident or illness that may go unnoticed and have little or no local support.
TeleCHAT volunteers provide phone based friendships and support to people who live alone and have minimal social contact with others in the community.
These roles are suitable for persons over the age of 18 who are passionate about working with elderly people. Volunteers need to have good communication and listening skills and empathy for all participants. A 12 month commitment is required for these roles.
These volunteer roles are part of a formally funded program and applicants will need to complete an online application, complete any necessary compliance checks and training before commencing in the role.
Charity donations of $2 or more to Australian Red Cross may be tax deductible in Australia. Site protected by Google Invisible reCAPTCHA. © Australian Red Cross 2025. ABN 50 169 561 394