Be a mate

Effort: Medium | Time: 1-3 hours per week

Be a meal delivery volunteer in your local area

Effort: Medium | Time: 3 hours per week

Be a migration support volunteer

Effort: Medium | Time: 1-3 hours per week

Be a volunteer friend and visitor

Effort: Medium | Time: 1-3 hours per week

Become a Red Cross Member

Effort: low | Time: 1 hour week per week

Connect with people over the phone

Effort: Medium | Time: 1-3 hours per week

Give blood.

Effort: Medium | Time: 1-2 hours

Encourage others to do more good

Effort: Low | Time: 30 minutes

Find your nearest defibrillator

Effort: Low | Time: 30 minutes

Show kindness to your neighbours

Effort: Low | Time: <30 minutes a week

Be welcoming

Effort: Medium | Time: 3 hours

Charity donations of $2 or more to Australian Red Cross may be tax deductible in Australia. Site protected by Google Invisible reCAPTCHA. © Australian Red Cross 2025. ABN 50 169 561 394