Learn about the issues with nuclear weapons

Effort: Medium | Time: 3-6 hours

Posters about nuclear weapons

On 22 January 2021, the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons came into force, marking a historic turning point in the effort to eliminate nuclear weapons. Australian Red Cross is harnessing the power of people to take action for a nuclear-weapons-free world.

Steps to take action

  1. Access the Australian Red Cross Nuclear Mobilisation Kit on our website.
  2. Watch films, listen to podcasts and read books and articles. The learning resources included in the kit provide a good starting point for self-education.
  3. Want to see your town or city become a leader in the disarmament of nuclear weapons? Use the ICAN Australia action tool to write to your local council. Encourage your council to sign the ICAN Cities Appeal in support of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
  4. Talk to your family and friends about your interest in eliminating nuclear weapons and why it’s important to you. Use the storytelling guide in the Nuclear Mobilisation Kit to create your story around this issue to strike up a conversation.

Helpful resources

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