Start a street working bee

Effort: High | Time: 10 hours


Get to know the people that live close to you, create a sense of community and help rejuvenate your street, front yards or a local public area. Rows of sunflowers for summer, an avenue of edible plants, or a weed free, open area for gatherings and relaxation.

Many hands make light work and beautiful spaces and places!

Steps to take action

  1. Letterbox drop your neighbours or post on your community Facebook group about your working bee idea.
  2. Contact your Council for support – they may offer advice or resources if the work is taking place in a public space.
  3. Organise a community meeting for people to share their ideas.
  4. Create a realistic plan and make sure everyone has a role to play.
  5. Gather resources and donations. You can keep it simple by getting people to offer things they already have like seeds, soil, paint etc.
  6. Put up signs to let the local community know about your project. You can also create a local Facebook group and let the local media know.
  7. Hold your working bee and have fun!
  8. Maintain your efforts. Put a plan in place to ensure ongoing maintenance and community involvement.

Helpful resources

Charity donations of $2 or more to Australian Red Cross may be tax deductible in Australia. Site protected by Google Invisible reCAPTCHA. © Australian Red Cross 2025. ABN 50 169 561 394