Share your skills and hobbies

Effort: Medium | Time: 3-6 hours

Share your skills and hobbies

Do you have qualifications, special skills or hobbies? You may have a green thumb, or be a yoga instructor, or really love crochet. If you play music you could put on a concert at your local aged care centre, or if you play sport, share your skills with other young people in a school holiday activity. Make a positive contribution and impact on people in your community by sharing your skills and hobbies with others.

Steps to take action

  1. Identify skills you have that will benefit your community e.g. yoga instructor, art teacher, fitness instructor, computer skills, crafts.
  2. Identify a gap or need in your local community- is anyone already holding get-togethers for groups of people that might benefit from your skills (I.e. young people, elderly people or socially isolated people).
  3. Get in touch with community organisations to see if you can offer your skills to their participants or clients. Start by contacting your Red Cross office and neighbourhood house.
  4. With you partner organisation, find a venue such as a park, community centre or library.
  5. Set a date and time and ask your partner organisation to share the invitation. Tell them what they need to bring along and how to RSVP.
  6. Hold an event and have fun! If you and others enjoy it you could ask them to join you again.

Helpful resources and Tips

Here are some tips for sharing your skills:

  • Check what insurance or accreditation is needed if you are sharing a professional skill such as yoga or fitness classes.
  • Ensure the event is accessible for people - e.g. be mindful of stairs, let people know what equipment they need to bring, e.g. craft supplies.
  • Celebrate your event with a good news story with the local paper or social media to spread the word and encourage others to share their skills too.

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