Get to know your neighbours

Effort: Medium | Time: < 3 hours

Two people talking in a garden

The simple act of knocking on someone’s door and introducing yourself can be a great way to build connections and support each other in times of need. The more friendly faces we see, the happier we feel. Social connection leads to increased mental health, decreases feelings of loneliness and creates better life outcomes.

Steps to take action

  1. Knock on your neighbours door and introduce yourself. Tell them something about yourself – how long you have lived in the local area, what you like most about living in this community.
  2. Drop a note in your neighbours letterbox offering to connect.
  3. When you are next walking down the street, smile and say hello, start a conversation.
  4. Make an offer of help – walk their dog, put their bin out, mow their nature strip. Follow through. Commit to what you agreed to do.
  5. Enjoy your new friendship! Be mindful that you haven’t overcommitted and talk openly about things if they need to change.

Helpful resources and tips

  • Use the Red Cross Neighbour Card template to fill in your details and drop in your neighbour’s letterbox.
  • Knock on your neighbour's door when you know they are home - not too early or too late at night!
  • You could take them a little gift such as a home baked treats when you introduce yourself.

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