Be welcoming

Effort: Medium | Time: 3 hours

Be Welcoming

We all want to live in a welcoming and inclusive community which embraces and connects with asylum seekers, refugees and new migrants. Here are some ways you and others in the community can be welcoming.

Steps to take action

  1. Smile. Acknowledging newcomers in your community with a smile makes them feel reassured that they are welcomed.
  2. Invite new families from school to the park for a play. Participating in activities can help children and their families make connections in their new communities and makes a real difference to settling into their new home.
  3. Share local information with newcomers to navigate their unfamiliar neighbourhood. A public transport timetable, library opening hours and local community services. It’s a great conversation starter!
  4. Participate in a Welcome Dinner. These dinners help connect newly arrived Australians with established Australians over a shared meal.
  5. Support multicultural events in your community. Events are held during Harmony Week (March) and Refugee Week (June), plus check with your local council for local multicultural celebrations.

Helpful resources

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