Migration services and support

Help and support for refugees, people seeking asylum, people in immigration detention and other migrants in Australia.

How Red Cross helps

We provide help and support to refugees, people seeking asylum, people in immigration detention and other people who are vulnerable as a result of migration.

We also provide services to trace and reconnect families who have lost contact as a result of international or internal conflict, war and disaster.

Our migration programs and services protect and uphold the health, dignity and wellbeing of vulnerable migrants in Australia.

Explore our migration services and support programs below.

Information for people impacted by the armed conflict in Ukraine
How Red Cross can help
Інформація для людей, які постраждали від збройного конфлікту в Україні
Як Червоний Хрест може допомогти

Emergency relief for migrants

Financial relief for people on temporary visas to meet urgent needs.

Family and domestic violence financial assistance

Support for people on temporary visas who are experiencing domestic and family violence.

Migrant & refugee settlement services

Giving refugees a head start on a new life.

Help great families find a place to call home

If you’re a landlord in the ACT, NSW or WA, Red Cross is asking you to consider leasing your property to one of the refugee families we support.

How you can help

There's always something you can do to help refugees and people seeking asylum.

Hire refugees and asylum seekers

How you can help great people find jobs and enjoy work.

Community Conversations

Discover why people seek asylum, understand the situations they face, and hear from those who've experienced it themselves.

Help for people in detention

Protecting the health, wellbeing and dignity of refugees and people seeking asylum in immigration detention.

Support for trafficked people

Support for people who have experienced human trafficking or forced labour. See the modern slavery resource collection.

Work Right Hub

Information to help you find support if you think you or someone you know is being exploited at work in Australia.

Forced marriage

Supporting people who have been, or are at risk of being, forced into marriage.

People seeking asylum

Support for people who have arrived in Australia seeking protection.

Kaleidoscope Initiative (WA)

Workplace readiness training and mentoring for migrants to reconnect with their chosen field in WA.

Bi-cultural health (TAS)

Working together for better health outcomes.

Asia Pacific Migration Network

A network of Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies collaborating and sharing expertise to address the humanitarian concerns of migrants across the Asia Pacific.

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